Monday, December 9, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Several of us Master Gardeners got together to decorate two trees at the county library.
Just needs a skirt under it.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
The Scott County Master Gardeners had a table at Creative Christmas. This is a program hosted each year by the Extension Service. It is a place to Christmas shop or get information on business and services in Scott County. Our booth gave out free info on caring for Christmas poinsettias and planting bulbs as well as info on becoming an extension Master Gardener. We also were promoting our annual Christmas how to program. This year we will be demonstrating gift wrapping and making burlap stocking door hangers.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Monthly Master Gardener meeting this week. We are making plans to participate in Creative Christmas and also planning our yearly Christmas program we do for the public. We have had a wreath making class for the last three or four years, this year we are doing something different. We plan to have a program on wrapping presents creatively using things from nature. Also making and decorating a burlap stocking .
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The temps have dropped-a little and fall is in the air-sometimes. That is the South! We finally got rain in most of Mississippi-we had not had any here in Scott County , or at least my part of it in over a month. A month of dragging hoses and just trying to keep things alive in mostly 98 degree heat. On the first cooler day I planted several kinds of lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts spinach and spinach mustard, and two kinds of kale. It is looking good after the rain. The peppers in every ones gardens have a second wind too.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Are you getting anxious to start a fall garden? I know I am. I cannot get out and garden in the summer due to medications I take, so my gardening is strictly spring and fall. I have got it in my head this year that I want to plant lots of different lettuces and greens-kale, swiss chard, mustard, etc. I always plant cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprouts-and of course spinach. Alas I will have to curb my enthusiasm for a couple of more weeks, it is still in the high 90's here and will be till at least late September-possibly October.
Friday, August 9, 2013
These morning glories were supposed to be solid blue-glad they turned out this way-love them. Parks seed sold these as tie dyed morning glories several years ago. I am hoping these make seeds and come back true.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Where has the summer gone? In about 3 and 1/2 weeks children will be going back to school! Everyone has been busy with their gardens. After a crazy spring where everyone had to plant two or three times and some a lot later than usual the gardens have taken off! I am hearing reports of record yields in the vegetable gardens and beautiful flowers in the flower gardens. I think the abundance of rain that we seemed to get at just the right times accounts for a lot of that. Of course the old timers say an abundant yield means a hard winter! If you don't grow a flower or vegetable garden, please visit a local farmers market-you will find delicious produce and beautiful cut flowers there-and meet some great people too.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Several of our Master Gardeners visited Rankin County this month to attend the live taping of a Quick Bytes with Lynette McDougall from Ms. State. We all enjoyed watching her make lots of beautiful floral arrangements. This one was made in a shoe box lid of all things.
Sometimes simple is nice.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
This has been a spectacular year for day lily's. I think it is all the rain we have been getting. I know that day lily's don't take a lot of water to survive and that is why they are such tough plants that need little care. But if you want spectacular blooms and for a longer period of time-pour the water to them.
This is one of my very favorites. It is nine inches across-just spectacular. I have had it for years and it has not spread as I had hoped, though. I hope you have been enjoying the blooms that all of this rain has brought-I think it is about over and we will probably be in drought conditions in another month.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
It has finally stopped raining here and dried out! Of course it will be so dry soon we will be dragging out the water hoses! I am sharing photos from Biedenharn Gardens in Louisiana. I recently visited here-while it was too wet to do anything else. I hope you can get some inspiration
for things to do in your garden-just maybe not on such a grand scale.
O.K., so this is a little grand for most gardens, but do-able(is this a word?-lol) on a smaller scale.
All this is, is grouping pots with the same color flowers together in front of a green background-anyone can do this. It sure makes a bigger impact, than pots scattered everywhere.
How is this for a low maintenance garden? Pea gravel is used here, but you could probably use crushed granite-a cheaper option. All the maintenance needed here would be spraying the occasional weed that popped up. Notice how the pots are grouped together-more impact! I hope this gives you ideas. When you have down time in your own garden, go visit public gardens, there are tons of free ideas out there!
for things to do in your garden-just maybe not on such a grand scale.
Monday, May 13, 2013
One good thing about all of this rain and cool weather is that the roses are spectacular this year! Otherwise it is so soggy outside, nothing much can be done in the garden. Most vegetable gardens will be late or nonexistent this year. Weeds are rampant!. Well if it ever dries up and warms up-get out the weed killer.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Master Gardener Area Meeting
Recently attended an area Master Gardener meeting in Rankin County. Paula won this door arrangement. It was made of elm branches and covered with fresh flowers-of course you could put silk on it.
This was another arrangement that was demonstrated and given away. This one was on a piece of driftwood.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Our newest Master Gardener (in the middle of the photo) is already hard at work on those volunteer hours. He even talked the County Director and the Nutritionist into helping.!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Things are beginning to pop around here. We have had such a terrible month for working in the yard/gardens. Our part of the state has had lots of rain and it never seems to dry out before the next one comes. A lot of yard work this month has been done sloshing around in rain boots.
I love these old azaleas, they get huge! I think this is Pride of Mobile.
One small branch is a bouquet.
One small branch is a bouquet.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Been eating lots of this good stuff! If you have never grown swiss chard, I think you will love the taste. I plant in the fall and it grows all winter and well into summer. I have grown if for years to use in floral arrangements but never had eaten any until this year.I joined The Southern Gardener group on Facebook and several people mentioned how delicious and good for you it was. They were right -I love it and am planning a larger crop this fall!
Monday, April 1, 2013
I hope it has dried out enough for everyone to get in their gardens.I have lots of seedlings up in the greenhouse, though they need a little more size on them before planting out. Some people have their vegetables gardens planted already.I have been spending time getting all the grass out of my flower beds. I have never had such a crop of grass before! Getting lots of fresh lettuce and swiss chard to eat-it has been delicious. Well more rain predicted for Wednesday and Thursday, so it will be another several days before it is dry again! Some gardens will be late this year.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Is it really spring? Just because the calendar says it is, does not make it so. It is going to be in the 30's tonight-probably patchy frost in the morning. I know a lot of people are already planting and putting out tomatoes-I think the soil is still too cold for a lot of stuff. Content yourselves with painting pots like the one above -or repainting patio furniture , etc. There is a lot to do in the yard/garden till time to plant most things. Of course you can plant perennials, they will be o.k. Hold off on most annuals though.
Paint those gourds you grew last year and make some bird houses. Visit some of the spring garden shows and plant sales for inspiration. And don't act surprised when we get that cold snap around Easter-it happens every year!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
It is hard to beleive that this time next week we will officially be in Spring! I thought it never would get here!This is the entrance to Biedenharn Gardens in West Monroe, Louisiana. The hubs and I spent a lovely time there last weekend.
Sigh, but it sure is beautiful.
A14 foot tall cast iron statue-one of four. There is a fountain at the top. If you are ever near here it is certainly worth the tour.
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