Monday, July 22, 2013


Where has the summer gone? In about 3 and 1/2 weeks children will be going back to school! Everyone has been busy with their gardens. After a crazy spring where everyone had to plant two or three times and some a lot later than usual the gardens have taken off! I am hearing reports of record yields in the vegetable gardens and beautiful flowers in the flower gardens. I think the abundance of rain that we seemed to get at just the right times accounts for a lot of that. Of course the old timers say an abundant yield means a hard winter! If you don't grow a flower or vegetable garden, please visit a local farmers market-you will find delicious produce and beautiful cut flowers there-and meet some great people too.


  1. We've had so much rain we can't cut our hay. Didn't get a garden in this year cause of the hubbies torn rotator cup.

  2. We went from wet and lush to no rain and brown. Throw in a flood. The yard is not exciting right now. It is too hot, for me, to do much about it. The weeds do better than the real plants. They are so nice and green. My Magnolia's are still blooming, the yard smells of them when I walk out the door. That alone is a wonderful present from an otherwise no so exciting garden. Stay cool. Richard and Sissy
