It has finally stopped raining here and dried out! Of course it will be so dry soon we will be dragging out the water hoses! I am sharing photos from Biedenharn Gardens in Louisiana. I recently visited here-while it was too wet to do anything else. I hope you can get some inspiration
for things to do in your garden-just maybe not on such a grand scale.
O.K., so this is a little grand for most gardens, but do-able(is this a word?-lol) on a smaller scale.
All this is, is grouping pots with the same color flowers together in front of a green background-anyone can do this. It sure makes a bigger impact, than pots scattered everywhere.
How is this for a low maintenance garden? Pea gravel is used here, but you could probably use crushed granite-a cheaper option. All the maintenance needed here would be spraying the occasional weed that popped up. Notice how the pots are grouped together-more impact! I hope this gives you ideas. When you have down time in your own garden, go visit public gardens, there are tons of free ideas out there!
for things to do in your garden-just maybe not on such a grand scale.